Two Moms... two sons... and a roadtrip.
Up early, and off we go... starting our 4 1/2 hour trip to camp...
And taking a few photos to document the journey.
First stop... breakfast for boys...
Egg McMuffin and apple pie...
Round 1 drinks... Diet coke and coke (as long as it's fountain coke.)
Boys in the back... getting their fill of video games...
Sharing laughter and excitement about their upcoming week...
Moms waiting to find the right road to turn onto... losing only 15 minutes.
Happy boys settled into camp and already having fun...
No kleenex needed for Moms...
Starting our 4 1/2 hour trip home...
Trying to figure out how to read the directions backwards...
Only having to turn around once...
And stopping at the stop sign long enough for eye drops.
Stopping for fuel...
For the car & for us... diet coke and pepsi...
Finding a new route home.
Two phone calls...
Wishing two fathers a happy day...
And incoming calls from our hubbies... wondering where we were.
Last beverages...same McDonalds...
Iced coffee and fountain coke...
Sipping them slowly... no more places to stop.
Sandhill cranes along the way...
Just one of the fifteen we saw today...
The lady in the white car is probably still wondering why we passed her, then pulled over to stop.

Home again, home again...
Jiggety jig...
It's been quite a day.
Thankful for a safe trip...
Thankful for laughter and fun along the way...
Thankful for a big hug from my angel when we got home.
Nice. Looks like a good day.
I can't believe the boys had to leave on Father's Day though. That is kinda a bummer.
Take care
This is a great little photo-diary! I especially loved the little picture of the boys in the back with the smile with the braces.... so cute! :-)
I couldn't quite bring myself to send my kids to church camp this Summer, believe it or not - I knew I would miss them too much (I'm such a wimp).
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