My Laura is always chilly... always. Even the Florida summer will not keep her from her sweater. And now that the autumn chill has arrived, what is a girl to do?
Wrap a fashionable scarf just so.

Tie an extra sweater around your waist.

And wear your most sensible shoes.

Yes, she has become a true Florida girl.
Hey Dawn! I love the new look (background) on your blog, but can you make the font a different color? I can't read what you've written... (the "blue on blue" doesn't show up...) and I really want to get caught up on your posts!
Hope all is well!
Thanks! :-)
Very cute. Love the scarf.
I was thinking of this very thing yesterday as I put on a sweatshirt, jeans and of course my everyday, all season flip flops!!!
My daughter is obsessed with flip flops... she will wear them even on very cold days.....
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