It is one of my most favorite places... in the little bit of this world I know. A trip to Disney World gets my heart smiling and my toes wiggling. And while I didn't have the highest expectations for the weekend... by the time we were packing up the suitcases, I was excited... and ready to hit the road! Disney hotels are my favorite... how each one has its own personality... its own treasures to showcase... not matter what the price level. One of my absolute favorites? Pop Century (a value resort!) Pulling up to it and seeing bowling pins, cell phones and Rubik's cubes, all larger than life... I love it! And we cannot park fast enough so we can get out and explore. On our way to our room, the kids raced ahead... to choose their "song."

Later in the evening... a trip to Downtown Disney. My kids no longer believe that this
is Disney World... but they used to. We always have fun... exploring... shopping... soaking in the atmosphere. Of course, there is plenty to do.
There are Lego's to play with...

pins to trade...

and maybe... a little dancing.

There I was... snapping away... trying to get a great shot of my son. I just loved the joy that was all around him. The expressions on his face. The way he danced with complete abandon. He was moving so fast... he was never more than a smiling, dancing blur. The music was such fun... there were so many dancing, but more watching... just enjoying the evening. I could feel my feet itching to move... and my heart knew how much fun it would have been to dance with my son. But there I was... just snapping pictures. And then... something inside me cried out...
Why won't you just let go? Why are you not following your feet... and your heart? And I looked out into the crowd... where our family (and entourage from Michigan) was standing.
I can't get out there and dance... And again....
Why? No good reason, I suppose. So the camera went back into its case... backpack on my back... and I danced with my son. I let go and danced... maybe a little more reserved than he... but I would like to think the backpack on my back, and my lack of ability was hindering me slightly. But we danced... we Walked Like an Egyptian... we did the Thriller... we raced with Rocky and threw our arms up in victory. We were Footloose... and more.
I love that song... I Hope You Dance... but most of the time... there I sit... on the sidelines. But on that night... I chose to dance. I chose to live in the moment, and laugh with my son. I chose to listen to my heart... and push away the silly fears. And there was so much joy inside me. And I want to remember the feeling... I want to remember that life is a gift... and I want to remember that to dance with your son, who is growing up by the minute, is something that is... beyond grace.
Ahh the Magic Of Disney, reaches in and takes over and makes living your life such a joy. Oh how I need a Disney fix, soon I hope! So very glad you danced, and I am sure so is your son. A memory forever compliments of the magic of Disney!
I am so glad you were able to have fun....and dancing is just the best. :)
So sweet that you danced with your son! I bet he will remember it forever!
I love Disneyworld! I worked as a manager in The Disney Store up here for almost 5 years and I would go down there like 3-4 times a year. We had a fantastic discount. I was seriously thinking about moving and working down there. So many of my friends did. I miss it so much! And good for you for dancing!!!
I'm glad you had such a good time on your Disney trip! That's really what it's all about, isn't it? I have the same mental conversations with myself over so many things...inner me asking outer me, "what are you so afraid of?" This "breaking out of your shell" thing sure is a lot of work! I think it's great that you decided to dance...gotta live in the moment!
LOVE that last paragraph. SO true.
Disney is top on my list when we get ready to go somewhere. It's the greatest joy in the ENTIRE world to see pure happiness in children.
Glad you guys had fun!
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