A celebration of love.
It was a day of joy. With each clink of a glass, there was a kiss. A day we will never forget... a beautiful start to our life together.
A new beginning.
The anticipation of her arrival was great. And there is nothing as sweet as a new Daddy holding his daughter, who fits in the palm of his hand... unless he is suddenly drawn to leave a fluttering kiss upon her tiny brow.
A precious moment.
There were probably ten people right around us... but we were sharing a quiet moment... a silly kiss. I didn't even know we were being watched... but that this spontaneous and genuine sliver of time was caught on film means the world to me.
Kisses tell a story... a story of love.
But not just love... the story of love that is shared.
Is not a kiss the very autograph of love?
-Henry Fink
Enjoy more A to Z Mondays at Unglazed!
I LOVE, love, love this post! I don't have anything to compare to it for my K. The pictures and words are just lovely. Thanks for this! I give this post 5kisses: XXXXX-Cassie
Kiss is a great K.
My son recently figured the whole kiss thing out - there is nothing better than toddler kisses.
This is just lovely....the pictures, the words all perfect.
I was wondering if we would ever choose the same word....
we made it 11 weeks.
I love K is for Kiss! All the photos are beautiful. We always look our best and most natural when we don't pose for pictures - I love true candids!
Nicely done! You've got me remembering back to our day nearly 31 years ago...
what a beautiful post!
So much sweetness and all of it shared with a kiss. Great post! Enjoy your day! :D
Perfectly precious! and a first kiss is always unforgettable.
beautiful kisses! I had so much trouble with K and now it seems so obvious!!
I love that you and Suz chose the same word! And I love your post!
All of the pictures are sweet, but the one of you and your little guy...AWWWWWWWWWW! It just doesn't get any cuter than that! Such pure love!
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