Love story.
Back around Thanksgiving, I made mention of being thankful for a small green slush... and I've been saving the story for today. Our love story... it began with a small green slush.
I was working 90 hours a week at our ice cream shop. He was just out of Coast Guard boot camp, stationed in my hometown. I might not have noticed him... except for our cars. They were the same(but mine had pink pinstripes!), parked side by side in the parking lot. I am a girl who loves eyes... but I never saw his. They were always hidden by his dark aviator glasses. And I didn't know his name... so we referred to him as Goose, because he seemed to resemble a certain pilot from Top Gun. Cute? Yes. But I wasn't really looking. And so, day after day, I would sell him a 25 cent green slush.
One night, as the crowd was beginning to build outside our windows, he appeared in my line. And after I served him that green slush, he invited me out on a date. What was I to say? After I had accepted, the customers next to him asked my friend Does that happen often? She laughed... because it was not the first time it had happened to me that summer. The next day, he came back to the store to make a plan. It was raining....and I had gone to buy bananas for banana splits, and raced back through the puddles, laughing the entire way... soaked up past my knees. Perhaps it should have changed his mind... that this girl would purposely splash through rain that had puddled in the parking lot... or perhaps he watched me... and saw the joy it brought me. Our first date started with a beautiful pink rose, and was filled with laughter. Six months later... Eric proposed to me at the National Zoo... by the pandas.
But our love story does not end there... because our story is new every day. Life has brought us uphill and down... and with God's love, ours is sustained and refreshed. Our love story is what happens every day in our home... the obstacles we overcome together, and the joy we share. And somehow it all started... with that little green slush.
It is Flashback Friday: Love with Jo@Mylestones...
That is a great start to a love story.
I would want to be with the person who enjoyed splashing in puddles.
I love that story... I just didn't know about the puddles, how fun! xoxox
I loved hearing how you met - lovely story! And wonderful that the love story continues.
DeLightful story for L!
Awww...this brought some tears to my eyes. So sweet how your love story began. And really, it is sweet how your love story continues...you two are perfect together!!
this was beautiful! thanks for letting us into the beginning. You are right, with God we always can find new beginnings - you two are an inspiration in a world of people too quick to give up on their marriage.
Dawn, why do you always do this to me? Once again I'm veklempt. I'm thinking it's the combination of what you write, with the wonderful music that accompanies it. Well, back to L. Lovely Love story far better than the movie!! + you then got 2 Loverly Little ones.
Great love story. Do you make him a green slush on your anniversary?
You sound like a blessed person.
Ooooh, I got the chills - such a great "meet cute!"
My first car, a Chevy Spectrum, was white with pink pin stripes!!!!
Nice story, nicely told! Long-Lasting Love...
Boy when God sends his blessings, we all are so very fortunate. Your story is full of blessings
God definately smiled the day you were born:)!
It is such a joy that you share your blessings with us!
So sweet!
Aw...what a sweet story. Very nice. That really made me smile. :-)
Hurray for green slushes!
So sweet! And you two look like babies in that wedding photo!!
Awww... and y'all make such a cute couple, then and now.
No accidents with our God. He has you in the right place and the right time for His perfect plans!
Thanks for sharing and leaving me thirsty for a green slush!
So how many years has it been since that fateful day that your green-slush-eating "Goose" asked you out?
What a great love story...
Also? That wedding picture is priceless. Love it!
AWESOME! I love it! Especially that it all began with a green slush!
What a sweet story! It's fun remembering when, isn't it?
Oh, love it. Such a sweet beginning to your love story! No pun intended... ;)
Oh, Dawn! That last paragraph! Thank you!
Cute story! I love hearing people's love stories...never get tired of hearing them.
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