I suppose I knew the time would come. When days of innocence would be gone... and the sound of fairy wings slipping under a pillow would drift away forever. Camden has been loosing teeth left and right. Once it wiggles, he works until it rests in his palm. He may be one of the last his age to lose these little teeth... making way for the adult version. My boy? An adult? The time will come... but I am not ready to let the thought pass... even fleetingly. I have held on tightly to these years... not holding him back, but maybe not pushing him to forge on ahead at a rapid rate either. Oh, the beliefs of little ones... their wide-eyed acceptance of all that is seen, and all that is painted in dreams. But if one illusion has to go... I do not mind that it is her. There are plenty of other children out there for her to visit... hoping upon hope that she leaves them a shiny coin in exchange for a tooth to add to her castle in the clouds. And there are plenty of other things to believe in...
Aw, man! That is so beautiful. Especially the part about "...all that is seen and all that is painted in dreams."
I may quote you!
What a sweet post to read first thing in the morning. The tooth fairy has all his teeth waiting for him in heaven. Well, she better have mine because I'm gonna need them by then.
Hi there! I have been MIA lately, but I'm trying to get caught up and get back on track! I ALWAYS love reading your posts and ALWAYS think I will go back and comment later....where is that "later" anyway?!? This story is so sweet! Every little milestone makes you happy for them and a little sad for yourself, don't you think? Another realization of how quickly time is passing. I guess it is the same no matter how old your children get! I know my Mom still feels it with me. We were at the beach today (in between raindrops), and as she watched E play, she said, "I can't believe it was over 30 years ago I used to bring you and your sister here and watch you build castles in the sand."
oh so sweet!
No matter how old they get your babies will always be your babies!
Isn't it wonderful! And what makes it even better, is when they share their babies with you! Live all the moments with your children and keep them close, and the memories will always be a part of your heart:)!
Kaish lost a molar this week. A STINKING MOLAR? How does this keep happening. This quick and steady growing? It scares me.
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