It has been a crazy week. Costume making (and finishing!), snake charming, trunk of treating... and pumpking carving. We did manage to "carve" out a little time for the pumkin carving. Only Laura didn't want to do hers. But that was okay... because it took less time! (and her pumpkin will be pretty a little longer!) Camden... he loves the pumpkin carving. He loves the thinking, the slicing and the removal of the guts. Yes... he loves it all. 

And while I was making that first slice, and the knife went in easily, he said Oh, this is much better than that white pumpkin! 
Halloween 2007
Halloween 2007
And he was absolutely right! The white pumkin was cool and quirky, just like my son. And he was thrilled to have found something so unusual at the pumpkin patch. Until we started to carve it (20 minutes before trick-or-treat!) We could barely get the knife in. It wa all I could do just to get the top cut out. Turns out, it is a gourd? And not quite right for jack-o-lanterning. Unless you have the strength of Paul Bunyan (I don't.) My heart was broken for that little guy who had taken the time to draw our his jack-o-lantern vision. His little eyes looked so sad... and if I had had the time, I would have run right down to Publix and found him an orange pumpkin. But he was such a good sport... he told me we could get a new pumpkin the day after, and carve it then. I agreed (he was heartbroken! You would have said yes, too!) and then...
he totally forgot about it.
Aw, that's so sad! We had a pumpkin carving party several years ago and one of the girls brought a squash to carve instead-- poor thing, it took forever. :)
Carving was always such fun, then I got into painting them and that was fun too.
Maybe you should have some power tools ready for the next time you decide to get a white one. ha!
He is such a special boy. But YOU already know that. I am ashamed to say that we have not carved a pumpkin in years. I hope that does not make me a bad Mama.
I hope he has a great time tonight..and you as well after the week you have endured. :)
Glad the carving when a little smoother this year. I'll consider myself warned about white pumkins.
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