Yesterday... I gave in and headed to the doctor, even though I felt pretty okay. I half expected the doctor to say I was just fine... lingering cough. But instead, I found myself half covered with a flimsy gown waiting for a chest x-ray... to rule out walking pneumonia. Although I didn't really think pneumonia was a plus in my column, I was relived that I was not crazy. I usually wait to visit the doctor. Until I am sure I am really sick. Too sick. But not this time... I am trying to take better care of myself and know that I am worth a trip to the doctor now and again.
The verdict? Bronchitis. Again. My doctor, she looked into my eyes and said You were right to come. You needed to be here. And I wheezed a sigh of relief.
So here I am... being thankful for a bout of bronchitis. Feeling hopeful that the medicine will do its job. And certain that I won't even have to seek that smile... it will come out of hiding all on its own.

So glad you went to the doctor. I know what you mean when you just don't feel like yourself and yes, being sick can really bring you down. Wishing you a speedy recovery and getting back to yourself.
Oh no! I'm so sorry you've got bronchitis. So not fun. I'm getting over it and I don't think I've ever coughed so much in my life. It's hard when you can't breathe. Hoping you feel better soon! : )
When I was a senior in high school, I got extremely depressed-- like nearly suicidally so. Turns out I had mono. My moods, especially in the winter, are linked so closely to how I feel physically. The mono made me so tired I couldn't function. Even now when I start to feel depressed I consider sleep my first line of defense. :) Hope you get to feeling better, and that the smiles will be bursting from you any day now.
I am so glad that you went to the doctor. I hope that you start to feel yourself again really soon. Sick can just take everything out of you. Isn't it wonderful that we can find comfort in the Lord.
so sorry to hear your are so sick...but SO glad you went to the doctor. Be gentle with yourself, Dawn and with your expectations of'll come out the other end. In the meantime, lean on Him.
Love you, sickie.
I am so glad you did not wait any longer. THIS TIME. Remember 3 strikes and you are out Sister. Get better. Rest. You will be back to your happy self again.
I'm glad you went - as mothers sometimes it's so hard to take the time to acknowledge that things aren't right with us, that we need the help.
Rest up!! Feel better soon!
Oh, Dawn. So glad you went to the doc.
I had bronchitis a while back and it should be called Knock-You-On-Your-Butt-itis or something much meaner than it currently is.
Praying for a quick recovery to your usual self.
PS- LOVING the new graphics!
Oh hon, I hope you are feeling better soon. Feeling poorly physically definitely impacts our moods big time. Hang in there.
Dawn - I feel for you. Glad you now know and can get the meds going! Praying you get your smile back quickly!
Well wishes & prayers for you.
Bronchitis is nasty to put it mildly. Had it, hate it and thankful it's gone. Hope you feel better soon!! It was wise of you to listen to your intuition!!!
Sending get-well wishes your way.
Pamper yourself...hope your feeling good as new soon!
I hope you get better soon!
My house is full of sick people too - it's enough to get anybody down.
Oh dear Dawn, you take care of yourself! GET well Soon!!
(just said a prayer for you)
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