But last night, there was another step I had to take. One that required wiping a thin layer of dust from the cover, and flipping through a couple pages to find the day. And there was Jesus. He had been calling to me... but I put too many obstacles between us... as if lifting and opening that book was too strenuous or time consuming. I shake my head in wonder... because all of the procrastinating took far more effort than the actual doing. And the doing? The first line of the devotion? Trust and thankfulness will get you through this day. Hmmm... I wonder what my day would have been like if I had started it out with this. And I read on. And on. Hungry to hear His voice and have it fill me up. To overflowing.
So today... I am going there first. I'm going to start the day on the right foot... and keep on walking.
(The first line... You need Me every moment. Yes, Jesus. Yes, I do...)

I hope your week is full of blessings.
I "try" to go to Him first in the morning. But so many distractions that I allow to get in the way. Some are useless distractions...a status update...an email...this computer in general...
I can sit here this morning satisfied because I DID put Him first this day. I just hope I do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day.....to just do what I know is right, and be filled by Him...
"as if lifting and opening that book was too strenuous or time consuming"--I have felt this ridiculous feeling as well. And then when I go--I wonder what I was waiting for...so glad you went too.
And snuggling with your husband and how his arms keep your heart warm--LOVE that. And so true over here too.
You are such a good writer Dawn.
Deep down in all that I am and know, I get this...love the down time with my family and love, love, love the quiet times with Him.
Doesn't get much better than that, does it?!
Dawn, you are an inspiration and a blessing.
Good heavens! I stayed away from my computer all weekend, and look what I missed!
First, your new blog design is really pretty. Of course, I loved the old design, so it was actually a little shocking to me when I clicked over here. But I love the blue and white. Very serene.
Second, it sounds like you and I have had the same sort of days. A little too much distance between us and the Lover of our souls. I made a little progress back this weekend. Actually, I made a good bit of progress. And I am so grateful. Sounds like you are, too.
I love you, girl.
I am able to get through the day with peace and joy when I spend time with Him in the morning. Have a great Monday!!!
yea for you! and thanks for the little reminder!
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