There are only two people in the entire world who know... just what it was like to grow up in our home. Only two... who have our history... our particular version of childhood happiness, heartbreak and glorious joy. Only two. She says because she only had two hands... one for each of her girls.
Dawn and Tina.
Blue and green.
December and June.
Coca-cola and Sprite.
Barbie and Cindy.
Black and white.
Miss Piggy and Gonzo.
Quiet and loud.
Sentimental and not.
Good and...
Well. There is no one else I would choose to share a history with. We have always been our own... I would be surprised if anyone ever confused us. But we got along, and I knew... have always known... that to have a sister is to have a friend. At all times. Cracking nuts for breakfast on the morning after Thanksgiving. Rocking on the "green thing" in the backyard. Pumpkins in the fair. Camping out in the hallway in those copper-colored sleeping bags. Playing with Strawberry Shortcake and Apple Dumplin'. Sharing a room with twin pineapple beds. Riding bikes and laughing in a garden cart. Singing a few special songs. Consoling tears. Walking miles. It is always better... with your sister by your side. The one who knows you... and knows all of your whys.
Dawn and Tina.
Then... and now.
I love you, Tina...
Oh Jo... thank you for this Flashback Friday. You have stirred my heart... and I am thankful.
Oh I just love this. Sisters are the best. I like how you put it--there are only two people who share that history. That's somethin' special!
This makes me long for a sister :)
If I were your sister, I'd be crying buckets after reading this! So SWEET!
My mom always said the same thing about two hands-- one for each daughter. :) Having a sister was not always fun when I was a kid, but she is my best friend in the universe now.
That was so sweet! Now I love her too :)
I love this! What a beautiful tribute! Sisters are just plain special, aren't they? I'm so glad I didn't have to grow up without mine.
That's awesome! I love how you did the contrasting list. I don't have a sister, but wish I did.
Enjoy your weekend!
This is beautiful. Makes me so jealous...I want a sister, but I think it may be too late.
I am also a bit sad...I was told by you and Tina years ago that I was the third sister, and I don't see my photo anywhere up there!!!!
Hooray for sisters! They are pretty awesome in general, and yours sounds awesome in particular. :)
You made me cry this morning. In a good way. I have two sisters, but the love and the companionship and the best friendness are there. I love them so much that my heart squeezes when I think about them.
You know how that feels, though, don't you.
Aww...I always wanted a sister.
By-the-way, I can smell Strawberry Shortcake's hair in my brain.
Nothing like the love of a sister! So special to be able to share life together!!
Sisters are the best! Love this.
You made my eyes well up -- I LOVE this! The opposite list is great...it's made me miss my sister so much today...I need to go call her!
Priceless! I had two older brothers, always wondered what it would be like to have a sister!
rewrite the sentimental part. I am crying buckets.
I love you, thank you for these wonderful words.
Ditto with Corinne. nice post. wish I had a sister.
Really Dawn--this is a wonderful tribute. I hope Tina reads this and knows how much you love her.
I have two sisters--what a wonderful bond given to us all.
My littlest sister is the one who had the strawberry shortcake dolls.
Such a sweet post.
There is nothing like a sister.
I'm glad for my sissy, BabyRocketDog,too!! Your words are very eloquent for a hooman. Stop making our mommy cry!!
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