Not too many days ago Eric shouted out... Is this the one who was missing? I had to check here to be certain. Sure enough... the third wise man has been found.
And he finds me... still struggling to get out of the goo. This time bogged down by sickness instead of Christmas, but struggling, just the same. But I can see the light. Spring Break has me smiling and ready to relax.
Easter is just a few steps down the path... and my little wise man, he may have missed the manger, but here he is... ready to stand at the foot of the cross. In time for the most important part of the story. The part we cannot live without.
I'm not sure how he even got lost. That shining star may have held his eyes in awe, or maybe he stooped to tie his sandal. It just happens... to all of us. One day we are following the path we were meant to walk, and the next day finds us wandering. Lost. Wondering how we will find our way back. Bruised by daily life... often marked with stains from the goo that doesn't want to let go... or just plain tuckered out. But eventually, we find our way home... because Jesus pursues us, and He doesn't let us stay lost. Even if we are tucked way in the back of a dusty bookcase. I am ever thankful for His relentlessness. And that whatever condition I am in can be healed with His love.
Today I rejoice in not being lost. Or rather, being found. I am thankful that my little wise man has made his way back into my sight. Not because he completes the set... but because each and every piece is important in its own way... precious in His sight.