Yesterday... I heard a new Amy Grant song... and here I am... playing it over and over again. Because the words are beautiful. And her voice makes them more so. The softness and her certain lilt... and the honesty. You can click on the link to hear it...
Better than a Hallelujah
God loves a lullaby
in a Mother's tears in the dead of night
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes.
God loves a drunkards cry,
The soldiers plea not to let him die,
better than a Hallelujah sometimes.
We pour out our miseries,
God just hears a melody
Beautiful the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah...
Better than a hallelujah sometimes.-lyrics from Amy Grant's Better Than a Hallelujah
These words remind me... that I do not have to be perfect for God to use me. And that all He wants is me... the real me... the mess. And I am thankful all over again.

Linking up to Hillary's Friday Favorites today...
Good stuff on this Good Friday :)
Woo hoo! This is reason for celebration! I thank God that He can use me as I am--mess and all!
Thank you for sharing this. I love you!
What a beautiful song.
Oh, what did we do before youtube???
Happy Friday.
Such a lovely song!
Wonderful lyrics. I can't wait to hear the song; I have always loved Amy Grant. (Is it me or has she not aged at all?)
Amen and Amen. A wonderful thing to remember on Good Friday.
what a beautiful song! i have always liked amy grant! thanks for sharing! i remember doing the same exact thing with the taperecorder! too funny!
That's beautiful! I haven't heard it yet...thanks for sharing it.
I used to make sophisticated recordings just like you. Mine usually came complete with my dog barking in the background or sniffing the tape recorder. It added something I think... :0)
somewhere in a box I have dozens of tapes with recorded-from-the-radio songs, although I don't think I have a tape player in the house anymore. :) What a beautiful song, and a thoughtful post to help me continue to process Grace and Love.
I love that song. Love it so much. Praying you have a wonderful weekend!
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