We did take two family days to play… Busch Gardens one day and the beach the next. But other than that… my girl worked getting ready for Odyssey of the Mind State Competition. It happens this weekend in Orlando. She and her teammates are very motivated and dream of World Competition, and so her 50 plus hours this past week didn’t bother her too much. But I missed her.
Last night… it was just the two of us. Home… relaxing after our work days. She was in her room doing who-knows-what, and I had settled in on the couch, ready to see what Tivo had recorded. I called to her and asked if she wanted to watch the Amazing Race with me… and out she came. With her blanket and Johnny the polar bear. She has maybe watched two episodes in the past five years… but whatever was going on in her room must not have been too exciting.
I went on and on about “my” cowboys and how I wanted them to make it to the pit stop.. and she smiled and watched with me. When they made it from last place to first, I was thrilled. And although she was probably thinking Mom, get a life, she raised her hand for a high five. And I think, in that moment, she realized she was missing me too. Maybe.
This girl of mine, she is a gift. She frustrates me and amazes me… sometimes in the span of thirty minutes. And I love her. Every little bit of her.
Somehow, it is already Tuesday… and so I unwrap the wonder of a daughter. She is completely herself… with facets more brilliant that any precious gem.

Aren't they amazing? They turn into us when they get older. Just like we turn into our moms. Sometimes that's a scary thought!
I just love the way you write about your kids with so much love. :)
Great to be connected with you today, Dawn! That was really lovely. Our little one is 19 months so I'm not quite there yet... but wow, I want to learn to treasure it! Blessings! xCC
this is beautiful!!! and maybe because i can totally relate! it's rare those moments we have together right? they're so busy growing and coming into their own and we're so busy trying to let them ... while keeping that delicate balance. that when we finally come together, we realize how much we miss each other ...
i love it!! thank you for unwrapping this today!
this is so sweet. I love how you are excited for summer break, rather than dreading it.
She is her own person...a gem of a girl. You know a gift when you see it!!!!
I have three boys so I enjoy living vicariously through my friends that have daughters. It is certainly a different kind of motherhood.
I'm routing for the Cowboys also :) They're so cute, and they make laugh!
What a sweet girl you have...
What a beautiful tribute. She is precious, this daughter of yours. . . and you are precious, this mom of hers. What a blessed duo, the two of you. :)
You write so beautifully! I could just picture that high five on the couch.
Thanks for visiting my blog today!
the gift of a daughter...so precious.
I wish you and your girl could hang with me and my girl...how cool would that be??
have i ever asked you where in FL you live?
This is another beautiful post from you with your beautiful words. It sounds like you unwrapped a precious moment.
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