The bottom line was that
we had promised. And not only that... we had skipped other events and justified it by saying
we were going. And so... even though Eric & I were wiped out from a busy week, we adjusted our attitudes and followed through.
Guess what? It was a great day... one we were glad not to miss.
Forgoing everything this theme-park-loving-girl knows, we left our house at 8:20... usually the time I am standing at the gate waiting to get in for a 10am opening. With my newly adjusted attitude, I decided that we should be in the park by noon (eek!) and
it would be okay... the world would not end. I was energized by my goal, the miles whizzed on by... and we arrived inside the park by 11:30. We came prepared for water-riding fun (Cam's passion!) but the line for
Sheikra was short, and I could not resist. Oh, to dive face first down a death-defying hill! (As long as all of the safety features are in working order, of course!)
He had been dying to stand on this bridge... it seems there is nothing he enjoys more than being soaked to the skin. On past visits it has been chilly... but with the sun blaring 90 degrees and a set of dry clothes stashed in a locker... there was no reason not to...

Looking back, I kind of wished I had joined him. Because the Congo River Rapids soaked me at every turn, and there was not an inch of me that was not dripping. But I loved it... I laughed and screamed and laughed just a little bit more. Oh... to play like a kid.

And then... what we had come for.
Glory in the Gardens.
Building 429 & Skillet... and in those moments, there was nothing that could make me feel younger or more alive than rocking to great music with awesome lyrics... screaming, clapping, jumping, cheering.... and praising God.

There's never a question in your message, never a moment without your presence
There's never a doubt in my mind that I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet, I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan I know that I'll be running home to you.
Glory Defined, Building 429

In the dark, I can feel you in my sleep
In your arms I feel you breathe into me
Forever hold this heart that I will give to you, Forever I will live for you
I’m awake I’m alive
Now I know what I believe inside, Now it’s my time
I’ll do what I want ’cause this is my life
Here, right now, I’ll stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside, I’m awake and I’m alive
Awake & Alive, Skillet
It was a day worth living in the moment for...