To lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day... watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.-Sir John Lubbock
May is never a slow and easy month... it seems to tote a bushel of crazy at every turn. Every weekend arrives with a schedule that often overflows into the week... but May is the gateway to summer, and the prize of endless sunny days lies just beyond the busy. I try to savor each treasure, and gather enough energy to seek the next... but the pencil scribblings on my calendar twist up the thoughts in my head. So much so, that any beautiful words seem hindered from bumping together in my thought process. And if this mind of mine does happen to think a thought? I am likely to forget it before I ever jot it down.
I am kind of missing the words...

Take a deep breath. Breathe in; breathe out. Now, then. Write down a few words. . . and if there's an occasional "pick up bread and milk" thrown in there, we won't mind. :)
I so agree with the schedule becoming frenzied. It is just about draining the life out of me. Summer can't come quick enough for me right now. :)
Hang on...summer'sa comin'. : )
You do have a lot of big stuff on your calendar..but it is all good and FUN big stuff!
Hang on...one day at a time. You will make it!
Oh, honey, have you got May pegged! Every weekend (except, ironically, Memorial Day weekend) is PACKED for us...also spilling into the weekdays...I like Richella's advice! : )
Thank you for your sweet comment! Yes, we have recovered, and are enjoying our new van! : )
Thank you for your comment on my blog. It is much appreciated! :-)
I feel as you do. May is full but June will be here soon enough hopefully bringing with it relaxation! (((((((((HUGS))))))))
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