This has been an amazing experience... already. A day and a half into this Michigan trip and I can barely think straight... my mind is so full of wonderful things. Like meeting my Mom's friend (from Africa!) at the Detroit Zoo. And meeting a bloggy friend & going to Hobby Lobby for the first time ever. Oh... and watching my daughter continue to blossom and let her heart shine though at the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals. Soon... I will make sense of these wonderful pieces... but for now my mind is all a-jumble with so much joy!

jumbles of joy are definitely the best kind. :)
You went to the Detroit zoo and met someone from Africa??? As in a coincidence????
Please tell me it was NOT planned.
You went to Hobby Lobby? Fabulous!!!
But, please tell me it is over Trader Joes. (not)
So proud of Laura...I hope she has the time of her life!!!!
Have fun.
You are the essence of joy!!! Hoblob is my favorite store...I go often. Enjoy yourself and way to go to you daughter!!
First ever trip to Hobby Lobby? I need to let that one sink in. I loooove HL!
Sounds like you're having an amazing trip! Wow!
Your first time to Hobby Lobby, for real? Oh my, girlfriend. Love that store. Went today.
Way to go for your daughter!
Hobby lobby rocks!! There's one five minutes from my house -- I have to stay away because I spend too much money there!
I've got many fond memories of the Detroit Zoo!
It was so wonderful to get to meet you!
I have something to mail to you! :)
Send me you address, soon!!
Hope your trip was wonderful...
and how did you update your blog??? I LOVE it!!!!
Hobby Lobby is the best, a feast for a creative mind.
My daughter's friend just got back from the Od. of the Mind too! Sounds like quite an event.
Have fun!
Isn't it funny how many of us are excited that you went to Hobby Lobby??? That was the first store name little pickle learned when we moved to colorado when she was 2. HobbyWobby!
I also let Bubba fall out of a cart into glass shelves there once. Yikes.
Glad the whole thing was so much fun in MI. What a great experience!
Just so you know, I have never been to Hobby Lobby--looks and sounds wonderful! I am so glad you had a wonderful trip!
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