As my kids are winding up their school year (not quite quick enough for me!) and bringing home interim reports that have my eyes seeing ABBABABABABBA... I think back to when they were so small... and all that mattered was how they behaved, what they shared, and how well they played. I often refer to "the preschool years"... in kind of a negative way. It was just hard... learning to balance my life with two little sweeties, who depended on my every scrap of attention. The truth is, even through the mess I was, I knew is was a magical time. And I was so thankful for the opportunity each of them had at pre-school. I'm not sure they would be the people they are today without it. I don't think I would be the person I am without it. It was there... that we opened our hearts fully to Jesus. You never graduate from Jesus... but they did graduate from pre-school... with flying colors tucked into their pockets and Jesus tucked into their hearts.

And this school... has always been
a place to grow.... and it has become a family tradition. When Tina called and told me that Oakley was going to Grace... I cried. And soon... I hope that Chelsea(that sandy-oreo-eating-sweetie)will have her turn.
And then there is this man... my hero. While I was struggling my way through the pre-school years... he juggled being a daddy & husband along with his full-time job, the USCG reserves and school. I am so humbled by the way he shows his love for us... the way he provides for us. But perhaps, never so proud as when he came home from his many deployments and set to work on one more goal... graduating from the police academy. He is... and always will be... my hero.
Flashing back on a Friday... with a few tears in my eyes.
Chelsea will be starting at Grace in August... it is home to me as well. I love telling people that my children are going to the same school as my neice and nephew. Grace will alawys hold a special place in our hearts, ans Miss Julie.
This hits home today!! Monday is Rachels last day of preschool! I'm not ready for it to be over and for her to move on...have I enjoyed her like I should have??
I am still learning the balance--a mix of the new kind of balance with Aus & Hannah and the preschool/toddler with the other two..
I don't know how you did it...but you managed to bring tears to MY eyes as well.
Love your tradition...and you know how I feel about your hero!
You have a lovely family - and your hubby is a special man!
*sniff sniff* those are some sweet flashbacks :)
Tears in your eyes, huh? Thanks for sharing--now there are tears in my eyes, too!
I think I would recognize Eric, Laura, and Cam on the street. . . we could get together for a meeting of the Dawn Fan Club.
Sweet, sweet memories.
Oh my goodness, look how small they were! It's crazy to contrast those pictures to the recent pictures with Corinne's little ones. Oh, it really does go by fast.
What a precious post! You have a beautiful family! :)
This is so sweet, Dawn. The memories are amazing, aren't they?
Sometimes it all seems like yesterday...
It's good to look back and realize how things did have a purpose.
I left you a little award on my blog today, dear friend!
precious. many congratulations are in order in your home!! :)
Your family is so beautiful.
I love how you cherish them.
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