On a gray day, or a dark quiet night when I couldn't quite find a smile, I would hold this book in my hands and open it at random to find tidbits like...
meeting eyes
the cat acting foolish
the overwhelming desire to pop someone's bubble-gum bubble
dishes of beach glass.
Lovely, silly and sweet. A flicker of a memory. A sigh and a giggle. These pages have brought me the smile I was seeking so many times.
Today... when I leaf through the pages, I find myself still loving the book, but realizing that where I seek happiness is in the life that is happening all around me...
the softness of his new haircut
sunlight dancing in through the window
her chattiness as she hops in the car after working at camp
being called the the lady with the smiling eyes
an I love you text
the way he rolls his eyes when I am silly
the cat acting foolish.
I could fill days worth of post with the little bits of life that bring a smile to my face and to my heart.
14,000 things?
Just the tip of the iceberg...

Oh, I needed to read this today! I was having a what-else-can-go-wrong kind of day. . . I needed a little perspective rescue!
Love you, lady-with-the-smiling-eyes!
You could write a book -
I love the one you are writing here.
This is just so darn sweet. I love it...I just don't love the cavity I now have. :)
What a special book!
This makes me smile. Your blog, your friendship, your words-- they would all be on my list. :)
A treasure chest, for sure.
This is awesome! I just wrote a newspaper column about this very same idea -- in honor of my upcoming 40th birthday!! I was originally going to compile a bucket list of everything i wanted to accomplish in the next 40 years, but then decided a gratitude list would be much better.
I just love your happy little heart! You always make me smile! :)
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