A slip of paper appeared over the seat back, and then her smiling face. With laughter in her voice she passed the note and told me it was a text message...
I had to hold back the tears as I replied...
I am so excited. Thank you. I love you.
And just minutes later?
There is was... just beyond the wing.
There. The land that seemed an entire world away. The land that entered my dreams because of her.
There. The land that I would place my feet upon in just hours...

I cannot wait to hear all about it :) I saw your pictures on Facebook and got chills!!
I'm excited to hear more!
What a precious note and awesome photo!!
Oh, boy!! Are you going to do a series? Goody!!
I just LOVE the "text message!"
I am so glad you are safely home. I missed you. But I am glad, glad, glad that you got to go. If anyone deserved it, you did. :)
I love your Moms Text message!!!
Great picture! And your mom sounds so wonderful...what a gift!
That is the coolest picture -- I can't wait to hear more about your trip. I will never get tired of hearing about it -- promise!
The love that pours from you so obviously pours from your mother too.
What a blessing.
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