My eyes are forever drawn to the sky.
The sun shining through the clouds, sending golden rays to earth, never ceases to amaze me. I hope to capture the beauty, and yet know... that there is no holding of the sky, just as there is no holding back the years. This morning, after passing up three or four others, I decided to take the time to seek the perfect vantage point for the glory in the sky. But chasing the sky only turned me back around to what I know... beauty is fleeting. Chasing the sky may be exciting, filling me with anticipation of what might lie around the bend... but perhaps there is more beauty in grasping on to one small moment and enjoying it for all its worth on this side of the bend.
I move on with my day, glancing to the sky time and again... and see that the moment has well passed now that the sun has climbed higher still.
But tomorrow is another day... another sunrise.
Another chance at amazement.
I choose to live knowing that... and trusting that God has more beauty to reveal.

I love the anticipation you write with--knowing that each day holds more of God's Goodness. have a beautiful day, friend.
Yes! YES! More glory to come! Thanks for the beautiful reminder!
Beautiful...and so amazing.
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