Yesterday Eric was the first to wish me a happy day... and I surprised and thrilled that both Laura and Cam woke early on their first day of vacation to share their wishes with me before I left for work. With a smile I walked out the door and was greeted with the day... blue sky, sun climbing and crisp cold air. God, your gift was perfect... my favorite kind of day. And before I even left the driveway, I happened on another gift...
Cards from my Sweetheart. And I recall, almost exactly half-my-life-ago, finding a card from him on the seat of my car... just after our first date. I laughed when I looked at the envelopes... #1 open at 0900, #2 open at 1200, #3 open at 1500. He knows how I feel about military time, and when I called him on it he laughed one of those big all-the-way-to-your-toes kind of laughs... and it was just one more beautiful gift. Right then and there I knew... that this would be a happy birthday, even if it did fall on a Monday.
The day rolled on with beauty... cards that made me cry, an email from my best, best, best friend, and facebook posts filled with happy wishes (I knew that darn facebook would have to be good for something eventually!) There were cupcakes and cake and a visit from my sister at work... and a few gifts here and there that made me squeal with joy. Yes, birthdays are for squealing. I came home to a pile of gifts, each hand-picked with love... no Christmas wrap in sight. And even if this one gift shouts Christmas (I asked for this!), I shout right back that it might just stay out all year...
The four of us laughed over tacos and cookie dough flautas (thank you Tijuana Flats for my FREE dinner and dessert!) and then headed off to an event I have wanted to visit for years...
The nature center was decked out in lights, and we walked dark paths lined with them. Glancing up, the full moon peeked from between the trees and offered us the chance to sing in its glow... three foxes leaping, two bald eagles, and a bobcat in a pine tree! I must have thanked Eric three or four times... for this night, for this chance to be just the four of us, for this very happy birthday.
Here I am... officially another year older. And maybe... just a little wiser. A Monday birthday is what you make it... and mine was happy. Very happy.

Love your pictures as a little girl. Love your picture of dessert ;) Love your day as pictured through your words.
Celebrating with you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
I knew I should have checked Facebook yesterday!
So I'm late with my birthday wishes. Shoot.
Still, they're heartfelt: Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy birthday, Dear Dawn. You're the best!
Now you need to have a wonderful Tuesday to follow up on that great Monday. :)
Love ya!
Sounds like you had a great one! Happy birthday!
Love those candles!!! : )
I am so glad it was wonderful! You look happy. And your family is beautiful. Very, very beautiful!
Well I disagree, you really have not changed that much. I love those old photos!!!
I am so thrilled that your day was special...if anyone deserves a great birthday, it is YOU.
I just wish I could have fit in a nice lunch for you in there too. :)
Happy (belated) birthday!! I'm glad it was, indeed, happy. :) Thanks for sharing it!
You and I are a week apart, birthday-wise, so I'll be taking the next Monday birthday shift. :)
happiest of happy birthdays dawn! i too, love, love, love my birthday and find in recent years it's just not the same. i LOVE the message from your mom ... it rings true for me too ...
Oh Happy (belated) Birthday!
It's true about everyday though isn't it, it will be what we make of it huh? Glad you had a great one!
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