January 10, 2011

ten on ten: january

Today was Monday...
and it was if Francesca Battistelli wrote this song for just this day.

I lost my keys
In the great unknown
And call me please
'Cause I can't find my phone

This is the stuff that drives me crazy.
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately.
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed

This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I've got to trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I might choose
But this is the stuff you use

But I found my keys, I made it to work... and the bright spot in my day was sharing lunch with Eric, who happened to be in town for a class.   Thanks for reminding me how big I'm blessed
Thank goodness for a plan... dinner in the crockpot, the aroma greeting me at the door, an hour after I usually arrive home.  The hour might have been worth it if the mailman had come to pick up the mail, and had allowed me to retrieve the 300 plus letters that had been dropped in... short a little postage.

But home greets me, and love surrounds me... and the trials of the day are set aside.

linking up to ten on ten... for the very first time.
{Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month.
Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments}


Amy @ Lucky Number 13 said...

i love your day in pictures. i love when days start out bad (well, not that part exactly) but then you can turn them around! : ) and fixing dinner ahead is always a good thing!

Anonymous said...

This was my first 10 on 10 as well! you did wonderful!! What was cooking in that crock pot? I can smell it too:)

Alida Sharp said...

great photos!! Love the purple shoes!!

mel @ the larson lingo said...

Visiting from 10 on 10! so glad you joined in the fun! Looks like you had a busy day!

Sharon @ Hiking Toward Home said...

How fantastic is that!!! i love the idea of taking photos like that. maybe next month I'll jump in. (oh to be organized enough to remember to do so.)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this idea. I don't love that you had some frustration yesterday, but apparently you got through it just fine. Love all these sweet shots.
10 on 10....what a fab idea!

jenn said...

10 on 10, what a great idea! all of your shots are great--but, I really LOVE those little purple shoes!!

Gabe said...

Oh the key thing makes me laugh, because yet again yesterday as I was all worried about taking my ten on ten pictures I left the keys in my car as I went into the music store. Of course I drive a great big Yukon XL that smells of kids and stinky gym shoes so I don't think anyone who take it!

Michelle DeRusha said...

Love your 10 on 10 photos...and I have to concur with everyone else...LOVE the purple shoes!

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