I will tell you that it was far into the week before I heard the whisper of God... the reminder that I needed to be looking for the gifts He was placing before me. I usually don't need that nudge, gentle or otherwise... but I suppose I got so caught up in me and my own to-do lists that I looked right past the beauty He was laying out before me. And then... once I started, the week got messier and my heart grew heavier.
So today I dig deep... and know that the gifts I count are not all beautiful to the naked eye... but beautiful, just the same.
On my way to 1,000... #15-30
- a butterfinger birthday cake, much appreciated
-the gathering of people who really care about the marching band and their kids participation
-ann's real hair.. soft and curly
-the silliness of a "massage" in a bottle... and that it took me a while to catch the joke
-an unexpected quiet evening at home... even though the reason for it made my heart frown
-real mail, real handwriting
-not being in charge of our sick son. Oh, how I wanted to be, but I had to let it go and put the trust in my very-capable husband. It was so hard to go to work and leave them behind, but in it, I found the gift God was pushing me to... trust.
-the not appendicitis diagnosis
-working in my big-girl shoes, and not falling apart
-the intuition to tell the difference between a God-whisper and my own imagination... at least in the instance of thinking it was more than just a bug
-a heart-shaped breakfast... and that the smile it brought gave me what I needed to head out the door to work.
-four of us, in one room, just living
-a figuring-it-out kind of brain
-the unexpected smile on the other side of my door, and the visit we shared
-starting the day off walking
-the realization that God is my safety net in this tightrope of life.

Your list is real and beautiful and I love the "not falling apart" part. God bless you!
Dawn, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog! I really enjoyed visiting your beautiful blog!
I love you list! It really made me reflect on the gifts that I can find each and every day... for example: my one year old wanting to hold my hand - then shooting me a giant grin! :-)
Life is OH SO GOOD!!!
Bless you today - and I hope that any sickness at your house has been wiped away.
a very beautiful list!
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