I'm down to the last bottle in my holiday hoarded stash, and I'm trying to use it sparingly... so just a splash is good.
Eyes are open and I'm searching... for the even keel. May is hanging on by a thread, and yet the crazy has thrown its line over to June and seems content to just hang on. But just eight days left of school... and maybe we'll cut that crazy and let it spin off into the wind. It isn't like me... to wish the time away. I'd rather savor the moments and stretch them out. If only it weren't for the crazy...
If we were really meeting for coffee today, I hope it would be somewhere outside... where the sun is shining and the breeze is cool. And if there was sand or surf involved, you wouldn't hear me complaining! Mostly though, I'd just be happy to see your smiling face and catch up. I've been out of the loop... both loops- writing and reading. Slowly but surely, I am finding my way back.
Was your weekend wonderful?
Our was mostly uneventful, but still very nice. Eric was working, picked up an extra shift... and I spent the time laying low and crafting away (graduation gifts, teacher gifts... just for fun stuff.) My body has been telling me to slow down... on top of the crazy, I have had two allergic reactions to my allergy shots. One episode of my throat closing up and one of burning skin. Both have left me slightly shaken and certainly short of breath... but I am still going ahead, hoping that these shots really will be the end of my winter bronchitis bouts! We did manage to make time to visit with friends over the weekend... burgers on the grill, corn on the cob and all the other delights that promise summer is coming!
OH! and I almost forgot the band awards ceremony and dance on Friday night (that seems so long ago!)
She had as much fun as she allowed herself... I believe she said she was "unsocially-social" which apparently means no dancing. But she looked beautiful and her eyes sparkled when she showed me the 2012 pin she'll tack onto her band letter. 2012... oh that is but a breath away...
I hope your Tuesday doesn't feel too much like a Monday... and that the week bops along at just-the-right-speed.
Thank you for the coffee visit... I think my heart truly needed it.