It has been ages since we've seen a sunset at the beach, and while each sunset is beautiful, I have been hoping for a sunset with clouds. From home, I watch the sky each evening and the colors dance around the clouds and make them blush pink and glitter gold... and even in the midst of their splendor, I greedily want more. I want the colors and clouds and the setting sun and... the beach.
Friday, it all came together.
We had the car all packed up with a picnic, beach chairs, floats and boogie boards by six... and when Eric walked in the door from work, we only gave him a few minutes to turn back around and get in the car. On the way we chatted and my soul tingled... sunset at the beach! And there were clouds in the sky! And yet, I still wanted more. I hoped the clouds would drift a little more to the left...
When we stepped out onto the sand and took that first deep breath in, we noticed that the surf was up. Gone was the stillness of last week... but what was rolling in its place was fun. Waves that splashed around us and crashed over our floats... and there was a good bit of laughter just floating on the breeze. When we were just about water-logged, our picnic called to our rumbling stomachs and finally, dinner was served.
Watching the sky, I could see the storm brewing... and I could feel the coolness of the rain just beneath the breeze. Oh I did not want to admit defeat, and I held my hopes close to my heart. The clouds... they drifted closer to the left. Just like I wanted. But there, too, was the storm... was it coming or not?
two hours the rain held off while we played. And as the sun set I watched the sky explode with gold and shimmering blue and orange... kept my eye on the lightning that crackled in the clouds. It was quite a show... and quite a gift.
The gift for me. We returned to the car, wrapped in the glory of the sky, and I felt the breeze blow by like the breath of God. I leaned in, took one more deep salty breath and wondered if it was my imagination, or if I had really heard His whisper...
Just for you, dear. Just for you.
Thank you... it was the perfect, soul-filling gift.

I actually wrote this last week for Richella's party but never got around to posting. Hop on over and share a moment with her!!