She all but twirled out of her room yesterday morning with a smile on her face... ready to tackle the world.
First day of school... first last day. Senior year. And I really thought she looked the part...
She really does have her own sense of style... but the part I love best?
The smile and that sparkle in her eyes.
And maybe that set of keys dangling from her lanyard.
Yes, she is driving.
Driving was on the list of things we were told would probably not happen... but all of the doctors in the world cannot out-diagnose the power of God. He provided enough sight for her to pass the eye exam at the DMV, and more importantly, He blessed her with the vision to see the beauty in the world... the beauty that is visable to all, and the beauty that resides within. And I just know He has great plans for this girl of ours. Her eyes may not capture every detail but she sees.
And not just with those beautiful blue eyes... but also with the eyes of her heart.
So off we head... seeking the adventures and treasures that senior year is bound to bring.
And along with the keys, we'll bring perseverence and the Grace of God.

and because I can refuse her nothing, I am linking to Richella... a day late.
Your girl is amazing..and so are you. I love that the doctors were so wrong about her vision...but I love that God chose to give her sight even more! : ) I know it will be a great year! : )
DAWN! Oh, my gosh, girl, are you sure you have enough Kleenex to get through this year??
No, doctors cannot out-diagnose God. He STILL makes the blind to see and the lame to walk, doesn't He?
PLEASE link this to Grace Imparted! Pretty please??
Ready to tackle the world...this is what I love to hear!
I hope she has a great last year and the driving will really give her some independence. (not that we want that!) I can't wait to see her smiling face!
I hope the walking miracle has a most-wonderful senior year!
I have never heard the story about her eyes...but am so glad God decided He would do things His way...
It's always so awe-inspiring to look back and see what God has done. He never disappoints, does He?
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