October 03, 2011

choosing blessings

The sunshine slips in under the drapes and I catch a glimpse of the outside world.  The beautiful, sunshining, first-day-of-cool outside world.  But where else where would I be but here... by his side as he lays still and just a little broken.  I watch him sleep... and know that he will be okay, but my prayers still will the healing, still ask for the pain to subside.   Pastor came and prayed... for a healing beyond what seems possible to us.  I know He hears every prayer... so we wait.

I see two paths... and choose the one lined with blessings.
-toes & fingers that wiggle and that the medication does take the edge off the pain
-friends that just show up... and though they do not come empty handed, just their presence is enough
-prayers, messages and notes... knowing that we are not alone.
-nurses that care... and one in particular who found a bigger room
-the view from the cafeteria... lily pads scattered across the pond
-kids who take this in stride... and the chance to kiss them before they went off to school
-the sense of humor that is not lost
-the green paper crane that keeps watch...
-family who says don't worry
-he answers the phone and says I'm doing great.  He's not... but I like that he thinks he is.
-kindness in a door held open and a smile... I'm sure he didn't know my next stop was the hospital
-a time to worship... hymns through the speakers as I drive through the black of early morning... and the light that begins to welcome the new day
-the tears that come in that time of worship... a release of my heart. 
-it is well with my soul... and when I hear that song, I recall Beth Moore's words  It may not be well with my circumstances, but it is well with my soul.  And it is. 

Your prayers are blessings to our family.  Tracie always asks me for specific prayers... so I will add these.
-That there are only 3 vertebraes fractured.
-That the healing be quicker than the doctors could imagine.
-That Eric's spirits stay high.

Today I am linking to Richella's Imparting Grace... because these blessings are His grace and we are resting in them.


Gabe said...

OH Dawn. . .praying for relief from the pain and praising God for his protection.

Praying for your heart, peace and comfort sent your way!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn. Prayers for you and your husband and your kids right now. Keep laughing . . . it really is the best medicine. I have watched my parents deal with some pretty horrible health and other issues through the years. It's always the laughter that's brought them through these times.

God is good. So good. This didn't surprise Him. It is part of His plan. Keeping counting blessings and opening your hands to receive more. He's going to do great things through this.

Much love to you and Eric, Laura and Camden. <3

Southern Gal said...

Dawn, praying for you, Eric and the children right now. I'm so sorry you're going through this difficult time, but I know our God is able. May He bless you beyond measure, so much that you won't be able to list it all.

Pam said...

Praying for you and your family...Hugs. : )

dawn said...

Oh Dawn, please keep us updated. What are the plans for treatment or whatever's next to get him back to new?

Keep choosing those blessings, keep leaning hard on God. Wish I could be there to do something for you all.

Much love and prayers!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Busy Bee Suz said...

We are all thinking of Eric...and also choosing the path lined with blessings. He WILL be ok and so will you.
Day by day...

Richella Parham said...

"Choosing blessings." Oh, Dawn. That is so YOU.

I've been out of touch for the past two days--unable to get online, only checking email with my phone. I had no idea about the accident until just now. Your blog post prompted me to get onto Facebook, and I saw the news.

Oh, God, bless Eric. We pray for healing, Lord, however you wish to bring it. Thank you so much for your friends the doctors and nurses who are tending to Eric's condition. If you would like to heal Eric through their expert medical care, we will be thankful for it. But I pray, God, that You will touch his back supernaturally--that you will provide de-compression, that you will bring total restoration, that you will provide relief from the pain. Oh, God, please ease Eric's pain. Please take care of Dawn. Please care tenderly for Laura and Cam. Keep them all very close to your heart, God, providing just what they need just when they need it. They love you so much, God--I pray that you pour out your love to them."

I love you, sweet Dawn. You are so precious to me. I will be continuing to pray for you.

ballast photography said...

Oh, Dawn, I am sorry to hear about all this. I am living you and your family up in prayer right now!