April 24, 2012

nonsense and love of a boy

We just needed to go pick up a prescription, but with our driveway now housing three cars and a truck, parking is tight. The truck went to choir practice and his car went to Boy Scouts. My car was blocked in by the police car. But after a glance I thought I might be able to get out...

me: Forward, forward, forward... drive forward first.
him: Nice manuvuering Mom.
me: Thanks!

me: Do you need anything else from the store? Deoderant, toothpaste... ?
him: Iiiiiceeeeeeeeeeee ccreeeaaaaaaam.
me: What?
him: Ice cream.
me: Did you bring your wallet?
him: Nope.

And so he started digging around in the car... looking for change. Laughter accompanied each announcement of a found coin... until he had almost two dollars. We decided on McDonald's ice cream, but right before we ordered, he decided on apple pie. Two. One day soon I predict that he is going to grow into his feet...

Thirty minutes in the car... just him and me.
Thirty minutes to chat, laugh, share silliness and a little serious.
Life seems to run on fast forward far more often than it used to...
and to pair thirty minutes of love with a to-do list is just what this mama's heart needs.


Dawn said...

What a great time well spent! Love those little unexpected moments that grows hearts together!

Gabe said...


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Lucky you, Dawn, and lucky boy. I so miss the days of driving my daughter here and there and everywhere. Oh, the conversations we had. I even wrote a whole chapter about it in one of my books. Priceless memories.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love theses sweet moments....and I love Mickey D's apple pies. :)
He will grow into those feet sooner than later.

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