Yesterday I read...
"Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. I created beauty to declare the existence of My holy Being. A magnificent rose, a hauntingly glorious sunset, oceanic splendor- all these things proclaim My Presence in the world." {Jesus Calling by Sarah Young}
All of these things... and more...draw my soul, and pull me closer to Him. I am in almost-constant worship. For He is great and mighty, and I do not doubt Him. It is not He that discourages... it is the world and what goes on here. Perhaps I am selfish wanting her to stay...

Oh Dawn...praying for peace!
I am so sorry for your loss. I don't think you are selfish, though. I know you don't want to let her go. This world is a hard place to live sometimes, isn't it? But be of good cheer. He has overcome the world. You will not grieve as one who has no hope. Bless you, sweet friend.
I'm sorry you're discouraged. I am there a bit myself. It's just hard sometimes. Wish I could hug you and tell you you're going to be ok...better than ok. I trust that for both of us because He makes all things new. Even us. Hugs and love, my friend. : )
You selfish? Never.
{{hugs and love}}
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