You are lovely with your clean surface and organized drawers! Accept my apology for keeping you in such disarray. Sometimes that clean surface seems to be calling to my clutter, but when I can see your beautiful and lovingly carved lines, something in my soul sings...
Dear Christmas decorations...
Will you give me another week? Your beauty and lights cause my face to smile, and my heart to recall all sorts of beautiful memories. I know that some of your friends are still tucked away in the garage... but this year, they had to stay. Know that I can see and cherish them without them actually taking room on the shelf, lest one year it is is your turn to stay swaddled in tissue paper.

Dear Camden...
Your birthday celebration was so full of fun! I count my blessings again and again that we still have such family fun. And your excitement and gratitude over your birthday gift? Oh, well, you have always known just how to melt your Mama's heart. {more on my birthday boy next week!}
Dear Bowls...
I danced a jig when I tossed out sippy cups and was down to all one size of cup! But you and your stacks of glazed rims and hand-molded vessels... I love you. Even if you don't stack properly inside the cabinet. Even if the door is open just a smidge. When I hold you and sip soup or indulge in ice cream, you make me happy, so I will allow you the space you need.

Dear Sign...
When I am down, or raging mad... please remind me. Remind me to be gentle... with others and with myself.

Dear New Year...
Once again, I have no resolution to declare. But hopes and dreams? I have those aplenty.
I am looking forward to unfolding what you have in store for us!

I clear my desk off today, too...bought a new calendar and started filling dates....way too many dates got filled!
Dear Dawn,
You make me smile. Every time I read your words. :)
Isn't this fun? Did you take your guy to Legoland? Ethan needs to go to the one in Atlanta. And those bowls? Yes.
(The sign reminded me of this: Nora told David and Rebekah while riding in the car, "Mommy, Daddy, don't worry, be happy," when they were getting a little frantic about something.)
I love all your love letters.
Those bowls? Totally awesome. But now, I've got to come up with a name for you. Bowl lady. Lady bowler. Bowling up the cabinets?
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