He only needs two words... Shady Hollow? I smile, and head for sneakers.
When he suggests the safari road, I accept, always. Because I know... that this is his offering, his way to say come out and play and be bright and beautiful and you, oh-so-you!
And because sky blue and crisp clean air rarely disappoint.
This day is no different. We spot two deer and the lens reaches over the wire and across the field to capture them. Further down the rutted road, our noise startles a hawk away from his routine and he takes flight and cover in a nearby tree.
And when we come to the swamp, the twisted dragon tail beckons us to look and see.
Without my spotters, I might have missed them... but my guys have eagles eyes, and they spot the babies just a bit down the bank. My squeal sends a few splashing under, but the rest just wait.

It is the gift of the day.
Unless you are counting the times my face smiles, or my heart beats with love...

I love this....you are a lucky girl surrounded by those who know what makes you squeal! 21 baby gators???
Oh, Dawn. This is just spectacular! I would have been squealing, too.
Oh my...I would have freaked! : )
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