A three day weekend plus my Friday off equals FOUR! Thank you. Four days to breathe. And play. And remember. Tomorrow Cam will head to the cemetery for a clean up and to place flags for the veterans... and we'll go to the ceremony Monday. We also plan to relax with friends... and I am hoping that maybe I'll fit in another kayak adventure with my Mom!
Dear Mom,
I have loved seeing your art on facebook! It surprises me everytime your name pops up! I am so thankful and overjoyed that you have found such a wonderful niche at the zoo... and that they appreciate you so! I keet meaning to tell you... when I mention to Tim that you were my mom, he said YOUR MOM IS AWESOME! Yep, he did. And yep. You are... I love you!
Dear Spring Football Game,
Hooray for the win!
But also, hooray for making me remember how much I miss marching season. I loved seeing the kids in their spirit wear, playing and dancing their hearts out.
Dear Sweet Senior Bass Drummer,
Thank you... for this:
From behind me I heard Hi Mom and without turning around I replied Hi Cam... but then I turned and saw him with that big drum. My smile? A mile wide! And so was his. Thank you, for passing your drum along to him and taking his cymbals and giving him a chance to play back to the band room...
Dear Friends,
Is your prayer list long? I am amazed at how mine keeps growing and growing. But I just keep on... because it is the only thing I know. I wish you a peaceful, full weekend... and some answered prayers.

Oh, you know my prayer list is long, but I see God's hand in it all. That was such a sweet gesture of the band mate. Dreams come true! I want your mom to make my food for me. Who wouldn't enjoy something like that? Do the animals appreciate it? ;)
Your mom is free Saturday and Sunday! At the zoo on Monday.....raking giraffe poop!
I love this....especially seeing Cam with that big ole drum! I hope your weekend is both fun and full of breathing; you know, the good kind.
A glimpse of the future there with your Cam!! :)
Lots of answered prayers for me this week. . . so grateful!
Love you, sweet friend!
I love your Friday letters! My prayer list includes the residents of Oklahoma. I hope your weekend is full of joy and love.
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