It was a beautiful weekend.
Sunshine, breezy days, remembering, and living.
This was the year we were finally able to attend the special Memorial Day service at our old church... and I hope that it will become a tradition for us. The click of soldiers heels as they crossed the marble floor bearing colors, wreaths presented and smart salutes weigh heavy on a heart, but the sweet strains of patriotic songs lifted us in celebration of our beautiful nation. And I am forever proud to see my husband stand tall as the U.S. Coast Guard verse is played...
The boy scouts helped out at the cemetery Saturday... making sure each soldier's marker was celebrated with red, white and blue. Camden was honored to help. We drove down later to see the flags flying in the golden sunlight... and in the quiet of the evening, we were reminded that freedom is never free. Seeing our flag fly in the breeze moves me... seeing hundreds brought me to tears.
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.
I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.
I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.
-Abraham Lincoln

I love that quote.
And there is something about red, white, and blue. It's amazing that those colors can evoke such feeling! :)
Love! I am thankful we have these days to pause and remember that so many gave up so much in order for America to be America. Beautiful pics! : )
Gorgeous photos of a patriotic celebration. It's such a sad holiday to think of all those who have lost their lives in the service to their country. I'm glad we take time to pause and remember them. You all did a fabulous job.
So beautiful. I'm thankful for all of those who give and serve as well.
Camden did a good thing.
Inspiring photos of what looks like an honoring and touching service. Any parades where there are flag carrying military always has me in tears...
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