The weekend was crazy, which is not that unusual. But it was crazy good, which made it okay. And these people made me laugh, which was perfect. It made the running here and there and everywhere all worth it. I wish we could have stayed there on the beach and celebrated longer... but there were glasses to pick up...
You can only expect your husband to superglue his glasses together for so long... and really, he glued them together five months longer than I expected. And he'd probably still be gluing the temples on if one hadn't fallen out of his grasp and into the storm drain! This falls into the most-used category of our life- you have to laugh. {Did I ever tell you about the other time glasses went down the drain? Itty bitty pink prescription sunglasses, only a week old... right down the toilet. My fault... and it was days before I could really laugh about it!}
Laughter... it is always a gift I am thankful for.
-my favorite hymn in church sunday {as the deer}
-time with friends, celebrating a bithday
-getting some things checked off the list!
-finishing up a few last things for disney {not packing... still ON the list!}
-finishing up t-shirts & water bottles for the national youth gathering
-hearing happy in my daughter's voice
-my son, showing up at my office just to say hi
-not having to pack lunch today
-celebrating 5 years at a job i didn't think i wanted
-how he cares for me, even when i am unaware {or asleep!} thank you for rubbing my back, i'm sorry if i kept you up with my coughing!
-finding my favorite earring
-a brave sister, who was willing to take on cub camp this year {170 boys?! EEK!}
-conversations with a nice young man
-love, love, love...

Love the watermelon "cake". We haven't sung that song in church in quite a while. Now I'm singing it while melting in the heat. It's a good diversion. Coughing? Hope you're better. And I want to hear all about Disney when you get back. Love and hugs.
I have never heard of As the Deer referred to as a hymn! That is interesting. I first heard As the Deer when I went to Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA for my first year of college. I thought it was so lovely. My very conservative church growing up did not sing that song ever. I think it is a classic worship song.
I am glad you let your husband get some new glasses!
Have a great week, Dawn!
Laughter makes it all worth while; always!
Happiest of birthdays to your sister....even though she might feel 10 years older after all those cubs! LOL!
Love this list of yours. Can't wait till you get your Disney fix!
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