June 03, 2013

less one, but blessed, oh blessed...

We are settling into life as three instead of four {four instead of five, if you count the cat, which I never do, but the kids never fail to!}  The milk is lasting longer and there is less shuffling of cars in the drive.  I notice that Cam has taken to her piano-room-spot-in-the-sun... and I wonder if he has been waiting all this time.  Few texts fly from north to south, and phone calls are rare.  No news is good news, I keep saying.  But all in all, from what we can tell, she is happy and thriving.  And we are thankful. 

Counting blessings on this Monday...
-a rainy afternoon, a cuppa tea and a quiet hour
-the school days winding down... two half-days left!
-actually having a conversation of substance with our girl
-being able to tell that she has found her niche
-celebrating a birthday... and reminding her that we are still three cords
-running into a friend in the aisles... catching up & laughing for a while
-the reply to a good morning text
-a dense clouded day breaking way to blue
-the perfect beach day
-watching a group of goofy boys {big & small} as they celebrated one i love

-paddling away into the ocean with a friend
-the peace we found
-getting things in order for the youth gathering... finally
-and getting excited for disney
-just leaning into him
-laughing with cam
-getting carried away
-a delicious lunch
-a boy's gift of song in church
-sunday night on the couch



Pam said...

Beautiful as always, sweet girl. I often forget to count the every day, every moment sort of blessing. I am too busy moving toward the next 'thing' sometimes to slow down and be thankful. I'm thankful for you, my friend for your beautiful heart and reminding me to take it all in. : )

Gabe said...

Glad u are getting into your groove....beautiful pictures and you make me miss the beach!

Mindy said...

The water looks so peaceful and inviting! Enjoy your week.

Southern Gal said...

Minus one, yet still counting those blessings. Love your heart. But you know that already. Hugs.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so glad that Laura is settling in.....and you are getting accustomed to her distance.
Loving this list of good stuff!

Lúcy Jorge said...

A Paz de Cristo,

O amor é o resumo da lei de Deus. A Bíblia diz em Mateus 22:37-40 “Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Amarás ao Senhor teu Deus de todo o teu coração, de toda a tua alma, e de todo o teu entendimento. Este é o grande e primeiro mandamento. E o segundo, semelhante a este, é: Amarás ao teu próximo como a ti mesmo. Destes dois mandamentos dependem toda a lei e os profetas.”
Podemos mostrar o nosso amor a Deus guardando os Seus mandamentos. A Bíblia diz em 1 João 5:3 “Porque este é o amor de Deus, que guardemos os seus mandamentos; e os seus mandamentos não são penosos.”

Não deixe que o seu amor por Deus se enfraqueça. A Bíblia diz em Apocalipse 2:4-5 “Tenho, porém, contra ti que deixaste o teu primeiro amor. Lembra-te, pois, donde caíste, e arrepende-te, e pratica as primeiras obras; e se não, brevemente virei a ti, e removerei do seu lugar o teu candeeiro, se não te arrependeres.”

A propósito, caso ainda não esteja seguindo o meu blog, deixo o convite.

Em Cristo,

P.S. Convido a visitar o blog do irmão J.C. repleto de mensagens abençoadoras; algumas polêmicas, porém ricas de entendimento.
Acesse e confira:

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