I have this sweet couple,
their story & their journey wrapped up in my heart and prayers...
John and Kristen have known from the beginning that they would grow their family through adoption. They have been open to many adoption paths, checked every box their hearts led them to, and have prayed like crazy, knowing that God would bring them their child, in His time. And now... a baby girl is on the way. He is piecing together the most beautiful story, one that leaves me breathless and filled with joy.
It is no secret that adoption is expensive. New jobs, extra jobs, thirty-one totes and their savings have brought them far. But not quite far enough. I know that God has even this in His control, so I share their story, and wonder if He has planned that you might be a part of it, too.
If you click through this link{ http://mcmiracleadoption.blogspot.com/p/family-profile.html }you will pour through the pages and photos that matched John & Kristen to their birth-mother. It is a peek into their life, souls and prayers... and the future they are planning. You can follow their journey on facebook, or on their McMiracle Adoption Journey blog. I promise you that this story is one worth being a part of. Even if God has another plan. Would you join with us in praying for this new little life? for John & Kristen as they wait? for their entire family and circle of friends as we wait with them?
And if you feel moved to do more... there is a $5,000 matching challenge going on through the end of July. Little by little they are about half-way there! Click here to find out more! **update: The $5,000 match has been met!!!! But they are still about $6,000 away from their total goal!**

That book is amazing...I feel like I know them now. What a wonderful way to introduce themselves!
I'm going to check out the links....they sound like a lovely couple.
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