Dear Eric,
Thank you...
For twenty-one years.
For putting up with me, for loving me.
For our children and the life we have made together.
For laughter and silliness and happy and sad.
For knowing me... and for knowing what I need to breathe, even when what I need is exactly the opposite of what you want.
For trust and faith and... napkin roses.
Dear Laura & Camden,
I am so amazed by you... not once was there a pout or a complaint about us going to Disney World without you. Thanks for not asking what we brought you... since we didn't. Oh, well, wait... there was free soap at the hotel! But really, remember this. Remember that it is okay, and necessary, to take time for yourself and your spouse... that it is not just the kids that need to laugh and play! I promise you that someday you are going to need this time...
Dear Angel {that was his real name!},
Thank you for finding us a reservation at Be Our Guest! I loved how excited you were to find it! I had faith that we would get in, but I never dreamed that we would have a reservation in hand before we even stepped into the park! I hope it was okay that I jumped on the bed!
Dear Animal Kingdom Lodge,
Dumela! Thank you for welcoming us, even though we weren't sleeping there. You were a shelter from the rain, a lovely sight for my whole being, a place to sit, rest and enjoy. We loved touring your restaurants and discovering that you have gluten-free zebra domes! And Chef Vicky, you are a star... our anniversary breakfast dessert was a beautiful start to our amazing day!
Dear Belle,
What fun to chat with you in France!
Everything you told us about the Beast Castle was true! It was amazing and beautiful!
Dear Mad Hatter & Fairy Godmother,
We could hardly believe your sweet personal anniversary wishes from way up high in the parade! We thought we had the perfect spot... and it turned out that we were right. You helped make it oh-so-special!
Dear Beast,
Your castle is magnificent. Just stepping in was like being whisked away into the fairy tale! When I spotted you in your study, I think I exhaled... I was so hoping to meet you! And our meeting was so much more than I could have imagined. A kiss on the hand, and a warm embrace. {sigh} Perfect. And dinner! We loved our little table for two, set with a flickering candle and red rose napkins. The food was divine... and the grey stuff? I no longer need to ask the dishes...
Dear Eric,
Yes, you, again...
I may love the Beast, but you are the fairy tale that God wrote for me.
You are my love story that never ends...

Love those last few lines!!!
Is there a love button? I'm so glad your anniversary trip went so well.
I was just looking at a post of photos from Rebekah as the Fairy Godmother in her last ballet and read your comment. Then I came here and you saw the Fairy Godmother! Fun stuff.
Sweetest post ever!
I'm SO glad you had a nice anniversary; having time together is such a treasure!
Hey, hotel soap IS a gift!!!
Love that you got to go to the beast's castle. Jealous. I am DYING to go back, but everything seems so complicated these days. : ( So happy to see this anniversary and this breath you needed to take through your eyes. Great shot at the end. Happy anniversary! : )
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