As we visited DisneyWorld this winter, I had to slow down, and breathe, if I wanted to stay. Sometimes we even stopped to rest. And once? We got to the park after it opened. I am learning.
Saturday was the annual Empty Bowls event {read about other years here!} It is one of my most favorite events of the year, and for the past two years, due to Chalk Art {and this year} we have gone down to the park around 8am, and waited for the event to open... at 11am. Last year I noticed that there were still a lot of bowls left at noon, and so this year, I decided I didn't need to be there until the {very long} line had gone through. Strolling.
But when the line started moving and I was strolling the park? I got nervous. I started getting antsy. And we decided that we better get at the tail end of the very long moving line. There were actually still bowls left at 1pm. It is a process. Suz's Coach told me that waiting is only half of patience... the other half is not worrying. Oh. I will work on that for next year!
My sweet friend, Southern Gal, asked for strolling lessons, but I am sure that she doesn't want the four months of bronchitis {and steroids!} that have come with mine. I can say, though, that the actual strolling has been quite nice... and it just might be easier to stop and smell the roses when I don't have to come to a screeching halt!
Some roses from the week:
-a safari walk with my guys
-beautiful air to breathe and blue sky to go with it
-chilly days, and downright cold days!
-a great night for chili
-a few more minutes to stay under the covers
-the one baffles my mind with her knowledge about college, and all of the how-to's
-shopping for jeans for he boy who only wears shorts
-a great night with our youth group, and some crazy snowmen
-remembering he needed food for FCA, and that he is a part of this group
-a successful IEP, and all of the nice things his teachers said about him
-a few quick texts with my girl, who is studying hard!
-plans for ocala coming together!
-the three extra shifts he took this weekend, and the way he provides for us
-the friendship between cam & kassie
-spending the day with my forever friend and catching up on months worth of living
-a study that makes me think i could do one more year
-the sting of a little sun on my face, reminding me of a beautiful day
-a prepared lesson
-my husband being my neighbor {and this post}
-a sweet face and her wide blue eyes, just a few rows up
-the choir anthem, and being able to pick out his rich voice {that makes me melt}

I feel like sometimes I get so busy trying to get to my next destination (physically and spiritually)that I miss the beauty in the journey. I think strolling might provide a better view...
Your list is brimming with beauty as are your words. I can still take strolling lessons from you even though illness caused your strolling. Coach's words are wise. I hadn't thought of it in those terms. Love you.
I'm SO glad you are learning to slow down…..what a great thing for you. See, we are never too old to learn how to improve our life. {FYI, the coach NEVER worries about anything, or at least he NEVER lets me see him worry}
It was so much fun to stroll with you this weekend; can't believe I finally got there after all these years!
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