I hope today finds you smiling, and not taking the day too seriously!
Can I confess? I love when the valentine decorations begin appearing... even in December!!! Something about the pink and red together just makes me a little giddy. Today may be a silly holiday, but any day set aside to celebrate love is a good one... love for family, for friends, for a sweetheart.
I sent you a card... and I bet you won't get it today. Oh well. It will stretch out the fun! A whole week of Valentine fun! My sweetest valentine so far is the little origami heart living in the car. I see it and think of you, and our visit. I love you!
Dear Eric, my forever Valentine...
Thank you for relenting about Lozano's. I am just imagining the crowd!!! Maybe we can go tomorrow instead, or I'll take you up on the offer of a fabulous festive Mexican food fiesta for two! I love you. And I'm trying really hard not to peek at the give you have hidden out in the open on your dresser- but now I am wondering about why you needed chalk, if not for an outline at a murder scene...
Dear Camden,
I know that you would rather skip an holiday that involves l-o-v-e and hearts and pretty pink and red... and that it almost disgusts you that Dunkin' Donuts makes the Boston Cream donuts heart shaped this time of year! Someday maybe you'll change your mind, but for now, I did my best to make your sweet treat not look too lovey-dovey!
The best and most
beautiful things
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
-Helen Keller

Happy Valentine's Day to a sweet friend! Pink and red are my favorites, too. Those boys! ;)
Oh, this is just the sweetest thing. I really can't imagine YOU getting excited about a holiday? (!!!)
I'm thrilled that I got to spend part of VD with you.
I'm wondering about that chalk myself now….
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