We dressed our best.
Wool blazers. Plaid skirts. Bouquets of roses. Smiles...wide.
And our broken family was healed before a Justice of the Peace... in the presence of God.
{And being included on a honeymoon to Disney World didn't hurt!}
I think we loved Bob from the first... maybe it was how he brought our Mom back to life, or maybe his silly stories, or the way he trudged uphill and down, pulling giggling girls in a garden cart... or that every Friday, there was a bouquet of fresh flowers in a vase. But what I didn't know? I didn't know he would spoil my Mom to the point of no return. I laugh when she stops in front of a door, waiting for it to be opened for her, forgetting that Bob isn't with us to do the honors. And I love that she might have forgotten how to pump gas, or that her idea of grocery shopping has become rattling off a few items as he heads out the door to Publix. I certainly didn't know, didn't dream, she would have the opportunity to see far more of the world than you can see walking around EPCOT. Europe, Australia... Africa.
These last thirty years are something I am thankful for every day.
I love that my Mom is spoiled... and I love that Bob has given her the world, and so much more. To be witness to the life they have created, to be a part of it, is such a privilege...and knowing there are a few more adventures right around the bend? It brings me so much joy.
Happy Anniversary, Mom & Bob... I love you both so very much.

Choked up with joy! Congratulations to a wonderful miracle of God!
So beautiful Dawn!
Oh, Dawn ... what a delightful, heartwarming post. I fell in love with Bob, too, just now. In a world filled with brokenness, what a joy to read of things, especially broken families, being made whole again.
All the best to your mom and Bob, and many more anniversaries!
P.S. Bob sounds a teeny bit like my man. I've almost forgotten how to open my own doors and shop for groceries, too. :)
Your words are perfect Dawn. Thank you from both of us. We spent our anniversary morning at the zoo....me raking giraffe poop and Bob emptying the trash.......It couldn't have been better! I love you!
I love this, Dawn. And I love your mom's comment. ;) They are obviously happy together. Happy anniversary to them!
This is just so sweet. Of course I cried. I've always loved their relationship and how your Mom enjoys life! What a gift!
Wait…did she say giraffe poop? HA. Now THAT is spoiled.
What a great man.
A very great man.
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