April 21, 2014

lovely easter...

I may call this the Easter of awful & missing pictures... but I won't let the quality of the photography blur the beauty of the day.  No evidence of the baskets I put together, or even beautiful smiling faces in their Easter finery... but I am thankful for the photos of the churches we worshiped in yesterday.  Our service was full of celebration music and trumpets sounding... and she said her service was just as beautiful.   And after church? We caught up and gave advice on how to cook a ham...

It was our first big holiday away from our girl... but just like every bit of her everyday, she handled it with a sense of adventure.  Decorating eggs with friends, and sharing in the meal preparation with another friend, to serve a few more.  As much as I missed her, I was excited for her...

And at home, we served up our own meal.  With family, and friends... and dessert on the table before the ham.  There was laughter around and love all around, and it was just right.   Even if the pavlova cracked and it wasn't until after we finished it that I realized I forgot to make the whipped cream to go between the layers...

A few more gifts from the day...
-happy easter greetings
-white cloth adorning the cross
-picking out my husband's voice in the choir
-Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
-sitting with friends
-hearing that your kids are the example {and thanking God for the guidance)
-her voice on the other end of the line
-their joy over easter baskets
-not running crazy
-chatting with the kids
-being in the kitchen with eric
-setting a pretty table
-being surrounded by love and laughter
-laughing over ham on a platter...
-and watching my mom laugh so hard she cried
-good tired, followed by a good night of sleep
-two cam hugs this morning
-letting a few tears roll as i watch runners cross the finish line in boston...
-and a few more during the national anthem.


Southern Gal said...

Dawn, it sounds just wonderful! I'm glad it was a glorious day for you and yours. Dessert before ham? yes, please.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Love this post!!!! I'm so glad Laura is doing her thing with friends….her wings are working so well.

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