I often feel that our greatest individual challenge is to close the gap
between our unflattering self-concepts and the truth of our magnificence.
To see ourselves through the eyes of those who love us.
-Jeff Brown
Working on it... a lot. And... I'm making progress.
For the first time in a long, long time, I am not cringing when I look in the mirror, and it doesn't set my whole day off kilter. I have been participating in an online boot camp, and although I have lost a little weight and some inches, I see the most difference on the inside. I feel different. Energized. Motivated. Strong. Valuable. And... I did 30 push ups this morning. Yes. Three-oh. That is 20 more than I could do nine weeks ago. I am a-changing... and I am grateful.

I love that you can now see yourself how those who love you see you all the time.
You are a beautiful!!
Kuddos to you.
I'm impressed with that, but thrilled with you feeling good about yourself.
Good for you! I'm where you were trying to find a way. You are going to be a good example for me. I really just want to feel better about myself. You are looking Great!
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