Hello? Why oh why can I not get my act together for more than one week in row? I get on a good blogging spree and then... nothing. Nothing, as in I don't even have the desire to think of something to write. Nothing, as in I have a million words in my head and I cannot make myself log in and empty them onto a page. {sigh} It wears me out emotionally not to set the words free...
Dear August,
I cannot believe you are here, and I am not quite ready for you. Band camp starting next week? School starting? Senior year? Nope. Not ready. But here you are, so there is nothing to do but celebrate your days. I found a photo-a-day for last August, and was inspired to try it by Mindy's photo-a-day in July{she will laugh that I used her as an example!} It could go wrong, it could end in a big blank canvas... or it could focus my mind and my heart towards the beautiful.
Dear Class of 1989,
I so wanted to be there tonight. Really, really wanted to. But I had to make a decision, and... as this week has unfolded, I found that I made the right decision. But I want to see pictures. Lots of pictures. Tonight I will make a toast to you, and maybe dance to some great 80's tunes...
Dear Africa,
Thank you... for sharing your wonder with my family once again. I am only sorry that I am seeing you through photos and stories this time around! But... those photos and stories, and the expression on the face of my son, are amazing. Just over two weeks, and you have pressed upon Camden's heart once again. He tells me you have grown by leaps and bounds, and somehow stayed the same.
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return to music rock - with the cousins - mom & bob |

I didn't realize the reunion was going to be TONIGHT.
I'll dance to an 80's song as well….how about Mickey?
I love your HS yearbook quote; you've not changed much. Looking forward to your picture on Sunday. See- you have to do it now!
I'm sorry you had to miss the reunion, but Look at you in that yearbook! Beautiful. Giving yourself a deadline is a good thing. I want to read more of your thoughts and dreams. Praying you have a great week while Camden is gone once again.
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