When your teenage son passes on dessert because he is just too tired to eat, you know he just needs a morning to sleep in... especially when school and the 5:30am wake up call are lurking in plain sight. And Laura? She has been working at the zoo on Sundays. She wishes she wasn't, but right now this is reality. I have been driving her, and then backtracking to church. But today... I took the scenic route.
Two miles spent in the midst of His glorious creation. I can't help but worship... and again, I didn't bother with the music. The chirping birds, the buzz of the insects, the low croak of a gator... they are music enough. Though I walked alone, I figure there must have been at least one more along the path, doing just the same...
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
I am so thankful... for the motivation and the strength. For the beauty of the wild, and the people who though to put a boardwalk through it. For the whisper of the wind, and feeling the presence of God around me.

What a beautiful way to spend your time. In nature with the creator. Love it!
Such a beautiful area to worship in. What are those bright pink berries, they are lovely.
Beautiful pictures of God's creation - how can we not praise Him in the midst of it?! (PS: I followed the steps to correct the no reply blogger issue so I hope it works - thanks for your tips)
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