It was fun...pulling out of the driveway, just the two of us. He is always up for adventure, and maybe, so am I. The reason for the adventure of the weekend is a college visit and interview, but today we will play!
Last night, after navigating the airport, rental car and finding the hotel, we headed back out for dinner. Finding our way back for the night I told Cam that I felt accomplished. I confessed that I mostly rely on his dad for all of this stuff. Thinking about it more, I realized that when my Mom & I travel, I am mostly in charge. So then I let Cam know a truth that I hope shows love. I told him I rely on Dad for so much not because I have to, but because I want to.
Eric is my safe place...and that is just the way I want it.

Love this and you! : ) Looks like an amazing adventure. : )
You're so brave. And I'm just so thrilled this adventure brought you to me this time!
This is so sweet and SO true! It's nice to be 'taken' care of.
You? Up for an adventure?? ALWAYS!!!
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