All it took was a batting of my lashes {along with a shopping list and the promise of a shared trip to the grocery store} to convince him of a bike ride. We hit the open rode, in tandem... past the orange groves, over the bridge, and then back again. Six and a half miles of chatting, pedaling hard, and celebrating the most important number. Two. I am ever thankful for this partnership we share, and I don't want to pass up the chance to say I love you.
: :
I tucked a little red notebook into my purse... for the sole purpose of jotting down gifts. I need to be more intentional in naming them, one by one.
-mimosas to celebrate the new year
-a lazy morning, watching the Rose Bowl parade in two sections
-hanging with my guys
-Annie! So much more than i thought to hope
-a lazy paddle
-blue sky, pink bird
-sonic vanilla diet coke
-my 18 year old chauffeur
-chinese food and a fortune cookie message
-finally finishing up a movie we've been watching for a week
-a bicycle built for two
-an unexpected weekend off for eric!
-beautiful weather
-a great ride
-a puddle of lilies
-watching a woodstork come in for a landing and shake the whole tree
-packing up the Christmas tree early
-the Eagle Scout invites perfect, at last
-the idea of her singing his song at his court of honor
-date night laughter
-sitting and chatting and sipping at Dagny's
-the arrival of the last two Christmas gifts
-their reaction
-wine delivered with beautiful memories
-wine sipped in new glasses
-his death scene with big blankie
-perfecting the red velvet cupcakes so he can et them
-shining so that others might see Him through me
-great is they faithfulness
-trip planning...

I'm so excited you are listing your gifts. It's just another way to glimpse your heart. So many good things going on in your life. And that last one? I am so ready to see you in person!!
So many lovely gifts!!! I'm especially excited about that bicycle built for two. (The song IS in my head!) Apparently the pink bird is also in my head, because I dreamt of photographing them last many of them!!
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