February 05, 2015

this and that...

Work has been crazy.
Home has been a flurry of preparation.
I am tired, but exhilarated.  This weekend we will celebrate Camden and he will receive his Eagle Scout Award.  The dreaming and planning has been fun, and I can hardly wait to get to Sunday and see it all come together!

I am so proud of this boy I could bust.  Seriously.
He heard from his last college the other day and he is in. Again. Seven for seven.
I don't know how he will decide... I just keep up my faithful prayer that God will provide the right place and the right finances, and Cam will just know.  One college trip planned, another on the horizon. At least he has a couple more months!

While I have been busy not writing, life has kept on happening.
Things like Empty Bowls, and Chalk Art, and children getting older.
I probably didn't even tell you we went "around the world in a day" for Laura's birthday!

I just wanted to let you know I am still here...
and after next week, I will have a little more free time.



Busy Bee Suz said...

Seven for seven? Seriously. He can do no wrong!!!
I can't wait to celebrate Camden with YOU!

Southern Gal said...

I so wish I was near so I could celebrate in person today. Yay on 7 for 7! And around the world for Laura's birthday? I knew you went to Disney, but what a great plan to celebrate your girl. 2015 has been a year worth celebrating so far, hasn't it? i'm waiting on all the great photos from this weekend!

Mindy said...

I have been wondering about you - happy to see that life is just full. What an honor for your son and a proud moment for his mama!