I made a commitment to myself that this is the year I am getting back into writing... for real. I decided that I needed to set aside time for myself... to just write. It hasn't happened quite yet, so in the meantime, here is a little bit of life lately...

1. Having the four of us back together for three weeks at Christmas was glorious. Even if we weren't all in the same room every minute, just being under the same roof made my heart content.
2. Cam decided he needed to bring a little bit of Florida back to Iowa, so we made
it a point to see a sunset & collect a few shells.
it a point to see a sunset & collect a few shells.
3. We also made time for a nature walk. Only one picture of an alligator for his Iowa friends.
4. We went to our first real NHL hockey game to see the Tampa Bay Lightning. We sat in the penthouse seats... {*ahem*... not as in "the best" but as in... there was no one up higher than us!}
5. I am having a hard time believing it is 2016. I hope your new year is off to a great start!
6. It has been years since we have braved the 9* temperatures of the Gaylord Palms
Convention Center to see ICE! The theme this year was
'Twas the Night Before Christmas. It was spectacular, as always.
Convention Center to see ICE! The theme this year was
'Twas the Night Before Christmas. It was spectacular, as always.
7. We camped for two nights right after New Years. It was perfect weather... not too hot, not too cold. When we were packing up to head home, this little creature stopped by to say hello!
8. These two... oh my heart.
They enjoyed each so much while Camden was home, and it was not easy to say goodbye.
They enjoyed each so much while Camden was home, and it was not easy to say goodbye.
9. Last weekend I emptied out my closet, organized and made it pretty... just in time to hunker
down IN the closet for the tornado warning that swept through Sunday morning at 5:30!
{Don't worry... all is well and we did not have any damage.}
down IN the closet for the tornado warning that swept through Sunday morning at 5:30!
{Don't worry... all is well and we did not have any damage.}
Here's hoping that in 2016 I can set some time aside to let me heart speak...

1 comment :
The organized closet pic caught my eye first. See? I have issues. Love that you had such a spectacular visit with Cam!!! Penthouse seats? Ya'll are becoming spoiled with the good seats. LOL
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