Thank you. Thank you for being the start of healing me. You were my fresh start, my second (fourth?) chance, the window that let peace find its way in again.
Maybe I will never overcome the first day jitters, but it was all joy once I arrived at my new job and was welcomed with arms wide open. It has been a great change for me, and an easy adjustment. I miss my friends at the old place, but once I realized that just walking in the door there filled me with an anger, the choice to leave was made. I could compile a whole list of why I love my new job, but the most important reason is the peace that it has brought to my soul.
Peace also comes to me here... the gentle sound of the gulf, the laughter that bubbles up from me when I watch the coquinas dig their way back into the sand, and the way a walk along the shore clears my mind to make way for new blessings.
I knew in May that I would have to repeat the surgery from last October. I had two procedures in between, we scheduled the big surgery for August, then moved it up to June. That October ordeal was lingering in my head, but I was hopeful that it would not be repeated, and I prayed for an easier time. My parents decided that they would come across to Miami this time, and I was thankful for a kiss and an I love you from my Mom before I was rolled away. As always, Eric was by my side until they sent him to the waiting room. When I woke up in recovery I felt good, and was so thankful for a successful surgery. We even went home that night. Eric is such a good caretaker... I am ever thankful that he puts up with me. Will the surgery be a forever fix this time around? I just don't know, but it was worth a(nother) shot.
And, June, when the end of you rolled around, I felt like I was enjoying the new beginning of me. I still had a lot on my plate, and a little more time to devote to healing, but you surrounded me with the people who love me... and you reminded me that laughter, friends, cheesecake, wine, and even salad, can sometimes be some of the very best medicine.
Oh June, thank you... from the bottom of my heart.

Reading this made me sigh with relief again just as the phone call did. You are doing well! I'm so glad June was the month for the turn around. Peace and a vision to see your way back to sharing here are wonderful by-products of that. And Suzanne there? Sweet friends for sweet times. Hugs!
Hey, I just thought of something. I need to come see you two. I can be the Jolly Green Giant and y'all can be the Little Green Sprouts, my tiny friends! ;)
I don't know all the details, but I am SO GLAD to hear that the June surgery was successful and that you're continuing to do well. (Was it surgery on your sinuses?)
And I'm glad to know about the goodness of the job switch. Change is hard, but sometimes it's needful, yes?
Bless you, sweet friend! Love you!
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